Keeping safe and secure
As a profession, journalism in Pakistan is one of the most dangerous ones to be in. The number of journalists killed over the past decade puts Pakistan at the top of countries where it is almost impossible to work freely
As a profession, journalism in Pakistan is one of the most dangerous ones to be in. The number of journalists killed over the past decade puts Pakistan at the top of countries where it is almost impossible to work freely
As a profession, journalism in Pakistan is one of the most dangerous ones to be in. The number of journalists killed over the past decade puts Pakistan at the top of countries where it is almost impossible to work freely
Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety (PCOMS) is a national alliance of concerned civil society agents, media development groups, journalists’ bodies and media entities collaborating with a one point agenda – to jointly push for protection of journalists and making Pakistan a safer place for media practitioners. Established in 2013 with support from Open Society Foundations, International Media Support and UNESCO, PCOMS has been instrumental in bringing together national stakeholders and interfacing them with international experts working on media freedom globally.
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