PCOMS Secretariat

PCOMS Secretariat

PCOMS holds its secretariat at Pakistan Press Foundation, a longstanding not for profit geared towards promotion of Freedom of Expression and Media in Pakistan. Under the capable leadership of Owais Aslam Ali, the General Secretary of PPF and the steering committee of Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety, it remains the only national civil society alliance of its kind with such diverse stakeholder representation.

PCOMS secretariat works in close collaboration of the coalition’s steering committee – a group of volunteers invested in the cause.

PCOMS secretariat operates under following Term of References:

The PCOMS secretariat will be responsible to the Consortium and Steering Committee of the Pakistan Coalition for Media Safety. The secretariat will work under the supervision of the Secretary General of The Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF), the host institution. The secretariat will liaise with the Consortium, Steering Committee and Members of PCOMS and of The International Friends of Pakistani Media on Safety.

PCOMS secretariat, on a regular basis, carry out following tasks:

Facilitate regular and timely communication among PCOMS coalition members, Consortium, Steering Committee and The International Friends of Pakistani Media on Safety.
Support the PCOMS Steering Committee and Consortium in the preparation of the agenda for regular and extraordinary meetings.
Prepare and circulate the minutes of the meetings and documentation of meetings of the Steering Committee and Consortium.

Convene the meetings Steering Committee and Consortium at periodic intervals. IMS, Civic Action Resources and Pakistan Press Foundation – and represented by the National , on the issue of promoting safety and security of journalists, media workers and media establishments in Pakistan.
Promote PCOMS visibility and relevance on issues related to safety of media professionals and institutions.
Facilitate networking among members, supporting knowledge, learning and information sharing.
Coordinate and facilitate member linkages to better establish priorities and form common platforms necessary to increase the capacity of members to engage in, advocacy, capacity building and research on safety issues.
Prepare and submit reports/updates/information as may be requested by the PCOMS Steering Committee, Consortium and members of PCOMS and The International Friends of Pakistani Media on Safety.
Facilitate collective actions, communication amongst PCOMS members and other stakeholders related to safety of media professionals at the national, regional and global levels.

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