On 1st January 2013, a man named Shan Dahar was killed in Larkana by unknown assailants. On 30th January, Bakhtajwar was targeted in Mardan, on 2nd March Ibrar Tanoli was shot dead in Abbotabad, on 22nd Apri Shahzad Iqbal in…
Since 2000, over 80 journalists have been killed, hundreds threatened, harassed, intimidated, abducted and attacked. Most of the cases go unregistered, and investigations for those that can even boast the basic FIR, are endlessly and sometimes deliberately delayed and perpetrators…
The following are remarks made by the Balochistan information minister, Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, at a public dialogue on media safety at a meeting of Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety (PCOMS) in Quetta on November 15, 2014 – Courtesy Freedom Network…