Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety

PPF is concerned over the attack on journalists Faiparik and Wuri in Papua New Guinea

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in a letter to Peter O’Neill, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea expressed concern over the safety of media personnel in Papua New Guinea after Clifford Faiparik of The National and Jason Gima Wuri, of the National Broadcasting Corporation seriously injured in an attack.

PPF Secretary General Owais Aslam Ali in his letter urged the government of Papua New Guinea to swiftly take action against the attack, identify the perpetrators and book them. Aslam Ali also urged to provide better protection for media personnel in of Papua New Guinea.

According to Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF), on September 15, Faiparik and Wuri were travelling back to Port Moresby with the group including Goillala MP William Samba and his District Administrator Titus Girau after visiting the Central Province electorate, when they were attacked on the road and injured seriously.

Reports cite the attack as taking place along the Hiritano Highway, with Samba and his District Administrator the main targets for the roadblock-style attack by men armed with knives. They managed to escape by through the road block while being stoned.

Faiparik was injured on the elbow and stomach while Wuri underwent surgery for gash wounds to his right-hand and Girau also got cuts to his body.

The incident raises important concerns for journalists and their news organizations over the need for media personnel to have access to prompt medical support.




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