INNOCENT: The Jhang Saddar police have declared innocent TV anchor and vlogger Imran Riaz Khan, who was booked on June 29 on the complaint of a citizen on the charge of speaking against state institutions.
Khalid Mahmood Malik said in his FIR registered under sections 505-1 (C), 505-2, 501 and 109 of the PPC and sections 4, 5, 11, 16, 20 and 22 of the Prevention of Electronic Crime Act, 2016, that the anchor’s act was a major crime and a violation of the Constitution as it had hurt the sentiments of Pakistani people.
Sources said on Monday that in its investigation, the police found him innocent, so the FIR had been discharged.
Source: Dawn
The post The Jhang Saddar police have declared innocent TV anchor and vlogger Imran Riaz Khan first appeared on Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF).