Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety

Year: 2016

PPF is concerned over the arrest of a photojournalist of Al-Mary Al-Youm newspaper in Egypt

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in a letter to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt to expressed concern over the arrest of Al-Hussein Fouad, a photojournalist of Al-Mary Al-Youm newspaper in Egypt. PPF Secretary General Owais Aslam Ali in his letter urged the Egyptian government to immediately release of Al-Masry Al-Youm along with all the journalists […]

For journalists

While hundreds of journalists have been killed around the world over the last decade, with violence spiraling upwards in many countries including Pakistan, the murderers often escape without punishment. The International Day Against Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, marked on November 2, is intended to highlight this problem. Over 700 journalists have been killed globally […]

‘Apprehend culprits behind attacks on media persons’

HYDERABAD: Mark­ing the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journa­lists, the Pakistan Fede­ral Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the Hyder­abad Union of Journalists (HUJ) office-bearers on Wednesday demanded that those who had committed crimes against journalists and media workers should be awarded an exemplary punishment. Scores of journalists, photographers and cameramen gathered in […]

Killers of journalists remain free, says PPF

ISLAMABAD: A report released on Tuesday by Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) documented the alarming situation that those who attack, injure or even murder journalists in Pakistan are rarely held to account and thus remain free. The report titled “Justice Delayed and Justice Denied” to commemorate the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Media […]