Pakistan Coalition on Media Safety

Month: May 2021

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) calls on the authorities to investigate the physical assault of three journalists

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) calls on the relevant authorities to investigate the physical assault of three journalists in the Mirpur Mathelo city in Ghotki district of the Sindh province. We call upon the officials to register a first information report (FIR) and initiate legal proceedings into the incident. On May 28, Mirpur Mathelo Police tortured Awaz […]

Proposed ordinance to create super regulator for media termed ‘media martial law’ by apex union of journalists, lawyers and human right bodies

The Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) is alarmed by and concerned about the proposed Pakistan Media Development Authority Ordinance (2021) proposed by the Government of Pakistan, that seeks to centralize all media regulatory structures in Pakistan and create a ‘converged’ regulatory authority. This proposed ordinance will have a devastating effect on free speech and press freedom […]

A Faulty Ordinance

Several laws impacting the media sector are in the works. Some, like the Sindh Protection of Journalists and other Media Practitioners Bill, 2021, have been seen as a step in the right direction since official safeguards for the media fraternity are highly necessary, as seen by the recent attacks on journalists. Other bills, however, have […]

Ghotki Police torture journalists

SUKKUR: The Mirpur Mathello Police have tortured journalists, who were allegedly reporting about the police’s private torture cells. Later, the journalists staged a sit-in in front of the SSP office, Ghotki. Reports said the police allegedly tortured the journalists, identified as Latif Veesar, Barkat Mirani and Khalid Veesar from Mirpur Mathello, when they were trying […]

Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) receives threats

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) Vice Chairman Khushdil Khan on Friday strongly condemned the threats against its Journalist Defence Committee. In a statement, the PBC Chairman said he has been apprised of the threats sent to the legal team representing journalist Asad Ali Toor, condemning the “blatant attempts to intimidate and threaten those who work […]

Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) ‘totally disassociates’ itself from attack on journalist

ISLAMABAD: The country’s premier spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has “totally disassociated” itself from the recent attack on a journalist and YouTuber Asad Ali Toor in Islamabad, says a handout issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Saturday. The statement said that a “high level contact” was established between the ministry and the […]